Semester Rules

Semester Rules

General Requirements for Obtaining the Degree.

Parameter Details
4 Years
No. of Semesters
Numbers of Courses per Semester
Total Courses
Total Credit Hours
At Least Earned Grade in the Courses
D Grade
Minimum CGPA at the End of Degree program
2.00 Points

Assessment and Evaluation of Each Course

Assessment DivisionTime for Assessment%
Mid Term Exam.After 8 Study Weeks35%
Final Exam.After 16 Study Weeks40%
Semester work (Quiz, Assignments and Presentations etc.)During the Semester25%

Grading System

Percent Marks Letter Grade Grade Point
85 – 100 A 4.00
80 – 84 A- 3.70
75 – 79 B+ 3.30
70 – 74 B 3.00
65 – 69 B- 2.70
61 – 64 C+ 2.30
58 – 60 C 2.00
55 – 57 C- 1.70
50 – 54 D 1.00
Below 50 F 0.00

Repeat / Improve the Course or Courses Marked D & F Grade

  • A student can repeat or improve a course or courses marked as D, up to a maximum of two courses in each semester, or an F grade by enrolling in the same semester of the next academic year.
  • Permission of the Principal must be obtained within seven days from the commencement of the next semester.
  • Prescribed fee per course should be paid.

Promotion into Next Semester

Promotion Required CGPA
Normal Promotion CGPA ≥ 2.00
Promotion on Probation from 1st Semester 1.50 ≤ CGPA > 2.00
Promotion on Probation from other Semester 1.70 ≤ CGPA > 2.00
Promotion on Probation (Allowed Two Times During The Study Period)

Drop from the Rolls of College

Condition Required CGPA
In case of 1st Semester CGPA < 1.50
In case a Student was promoted on 1st Probation in next semester CGPA < 1.70
In case a Student has Availed two time Promotion on Probation and his/her CGPA in any Subsequent Semester CGPA < 2.00

Unfair Means Cases (UMC)

A Student found in giving or receiving assistance, or found guilty of copying will be Suspended from the program for two semesters (i.e. one year).