Quiz Society
- Quiz Society
- Rovers Club
- Sports Club
- Media Club
- Ushers Club
- Islamic Society
- Karate Club
- Tourism Society
- Welfare Society
- Dramatic Society
- Literary Society
- Debating Society
- Musical Society
- Art & Craft Society
- Blood Donors Society
- Entrepreneurial Club
- E-Commerce Society
- Environment Society
- Welness Warrior Club
- Character Building Society
- Library Book Club

Quiz Society
Test your knowledge, challenge your mind.
Hailey Quiz society’s primary objective is to channel students’ activities in a progressive direction by providing a knowledge testing platform where they can strengthen their knowledge bank and intellectual capacity. Our goal is to pique public curiosity about the Quran, Sunnah, General Knowledge & Business Commerce education by introducing quizzes that thoroughly assess their knowledge, skills, and mindset.